
Hand Painted Typography

I found this example of hand painted typography while looking through old record album covers. I thought this was really neat because it's not just a font made to look authentic.  The words are actual painted letters on the brick wall. It makes a simple and effective use of space.  The band name is the largest text, with the album name next. It follows the typical reading direction from left to right.

I'd never heard of this music group prior to seeing this cover, but I think the combination of the text on brick and the washed out photo make for a unique album photograph.

1 comment:

  1. i think it's cool that the type both blends into the environment realistically (like graffiti painted on the brick), and it serves as the title of the cover design.

    i see what you're saying about the size and orientation of the band's name, but at first I didn't notice it. I think it's because it's only two letters--harder to recognize as language than 7-word title of the album.
