
Asian Typography

I came across this example of Asian Typography in a book called, "Typography for the People - Hand Painted Signs From Around the World". Written by Daniel Bellon and Klaus Bellon, it includes this image of a menu sign in Hong Kong. 

I found this interesting because the overall feel of the Asian character form is maintained although these are English words.

The dish titles are written in an way that resembles Asian calligraphy.  Each letter shows unique qualities - varying stroke widths, slants, spacing and size.  Although the English words are nowhere near as perfect as the symbols at the top of the menu, it seems the artist took care to match the style as much as possible. Considering that red paint on a white surface doesn't leave much room for error, the artist did well. The only gripe I have is the worn out appearance of the sign.  I think it's time for a new one.

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