
Childlike Typography

In the previous post, I shared how DuClaw Brewing Company is one of my favorite places for food, drinks and graphic design genius.  And now, I must sing their praises once again.

Their kids menu is an engaging and very child friendly example of design.  I was impressed by their use of a chalk mimicking font.  This type of font can be easily overused in design (not that a kid would care), but not in this case.  Combined with the food graphics and a clear, easy to read item description, this typography adds a nice touch.

The chalky font is called, "Eraser Dust", and can be downloaded free from several sites. Click here to download it from dafont.com.
This is yet another font going into my mental notebook for future projects.


  1. This font certainly does work for the purpose of reaching children. i think they use it wisely here. Thanks for sharing a link to it.

  2. I love this font. I've used it a few times myself. It works very well with the illustrations on the menu as well. This is agreat example for child like typography.

  3. This is so cute - great example of childlike typography. Thanks also for sharing the font!
